Computer Science

Is Masters in Data Science in India worth it?

Since the past 3-4 months I've been wondering about Masters in Data Science in India. My doubts regarding the quality of...

The truth behind AI Engineer role

Artificial Intelligence is a rapidly growing industry and the demand for AI Engineers has started to flourish. Before moving...

Journey into Django

I previously wanted to get into MERN Stack Development, but since transitioning into the field of AI, I have started working with Django frequently and...

Deleting past GitHub commits

Sometimes we might have a lot of commits in a particular GitHub repository and it looks kinda annnoying. In this case we might look to delete all the commits...

Best Data Science YouTuber

I gained interest in machine learning while studying for one of my university exams. I didn't attend lectures so I had to study the concepts from YouTube...

Artificial Intelligence Roadmap

In this blog, I've cut short all the key topics which would help learners to master the domain of Artificial Intelligence and see what roles require...

ReactJS: Complete guide

A tutorial in which you will learn to create, deploy and host a React App along with extra Git commands useful for deployment into production...